The StartAngels Network was founded in 1999 and includes some 85 business angel investors experienced in a variety of industries and positions. Our angel investors invest only in swiss start-up companies, coach them, and provide useful contacts. The StartAngels Network is a non-profit association and does not invest by itself.
Pitching Event November 24 @ Bank ZKB
On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, the final pitching round took place at Zürcher Kantonalbank. Four start-ups were selected from over 40 submissions to present their ideas in front of a full room of experienced investors. […]
Summer meetings at FlexOffice: Save 50% off now!
FlexOffice is an office concept that adapts to people and their organisations as they change over time. It offers a workplace membership for teams of any size and stage of development, with top locations throughout Switzerland and all-inclusive service. […]
StartAngels Network: insights from 160 financing rounds
On 24 June 2024, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of our StartAngels Network with an event in Zumikon, where we also provided a look behind the scenes. Stefan Kyora, Editor-in-Chief at, summarised the evening in an interesting article. Click here for the article. […]
25th SAN anniversary & pitch in Zumikon 2024
25th anniversary of SAN! It's time to celebrate. On Monday 24 June 2024, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the StartAngels Network at the Zumikon Golf & Country Club. In addition to an inspiring presentation by futurologist Georges T. Roos on 16 megatrends and the future, we were able to experience three innovative pitches.
NZZ article: Business angels need strong nerves
NZZ - Business section - 09 January 2024 Business angels need good nerves Startup founders and an investors talk about failures, bad luck and successes and the good feeling of doing something worthwhile. Erich Platzer, board member of the StartAngels Network, in an interview with the NZZ on 9 January 2024. Click here for the full article.
Zevvy grows and raises over 1.2 million Swiss francs
Zevvy completed a CHF 1.2 million financing round successfully with the support of StartAngels Switzerland under Norbert Zeller, who will assume the role of Chairman of the Board of Directors at zevvy AG. […]